Thursday, October 21, 2021

How to Ensure Human Dignity and Privacy in HIV and STD Care


Care is an international humanitarian organization providing long-term emergency assistance and international development programs. founded in 1945, CARE is Non-Governmental, impartial, and entirely non governmental. It's one of the oldest and largest international humanitarian aid organizations dedicated to fighting global poverty. The organization offers a variety of services that help people living in poverty and provide education, health care, family protection, market promotion, micro-enterprise creation, and legal assistance.

Concern for the Treatment of People with HIV/AIDS is high on the agenda of every single CARE facility. The mission of CARE is "to enhance the quality of life of people affected by HIV/AIDS through access to reliable, effective medical care and service." Every member of the organization is dedicated to providing a high level of care that meets the primary needs of people living with HIV/AIDS. For this reason alone, medical confidentiality is a top priority for all members of CARE.

There are many ways that you can ensure the highest level of patient care in a sexually transmitted disease setting. You can start by ensuring that every person entering your care is informed of their HIV status. Informing every patient and caregiver is one of the most important ways for keeping your patients' health care information confidential. In addition, your staff should be trained and experienced to implement adequate safeguards to protect the confidentiality of patient information. Your staff should be knowledgeable about the laws regarding patient privacy and should work diligently to implement procedures that uphold and respect your patients' human rights. If you are a provider of health care services, you should work diligently to provide your patients with the highest quality of care and be committed to taking all reasonable steps to protect their health and well-being.

When patients have an HIV test and choose to enter into a HIV care setting, they should be provided with a comprehensive HIV education and counseling. This education should include everything from the risks of unprotected sex to the importance of practicing safe sex and a personal protective protocol. With proper implementation, informed consent forms should be used and every patient given the opportunity to share any health information they may have about their HIV status, including any medications they may be on. In addition, your staff should develop and execute privacy policies that reflect your commitment to maintaining the confidentiality of all confidential health information. Without a clear HIV policy and implementation, your patients and those who care for them cannot be guaranteed the highest level of patient care.

Another area in which you can ensure the highest quality of care is in the area of reproductive health. As someone who has witnessed the lack of proper confidentiality in previous medical care settings, I have seen first hand how important it is to treat confidentiality as a top priority. Patients should be told if they are eligible for confidential cervical cancer testing or any other STD testing. They should also be told if they will be able to be released from the patient's care at any time without written notice. All patients undergoing treatment for any STD should be required to sign a HIPAA Release after receiving full and complete treatment and counseling from their doctors. Additionally, all patients should be informed of their rights to privacy and confidentiality regarding their health information and treatments.

HIV/AIDS patients have particular needs that are especially vulnerable in health care settings. These include lack of consistent access to HIV/AIDS information and treatment, abusive sexual behaviors that put them at high risk for contracting HIV, forced condomless intercourse and inconsistent HIV testing. Ensuring the right information and protection of these human rights of individuals living with HIV is crucial to their physical and psychological well-being. Ensuring that your health Care providers follow best practices regarding these issues not only ensures their continued care but promotes their mental health as well.


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